Reaction: BCR6pp

Descriptive name:

BenzoylCoA reductase (Ech associated, periplasm) 6 protons




6.0 h_p + benzcoa_c + fdxr_42_c ⇌ 4.0 h_c + ch15deccoa_c + fdxo_42_c


Default bounds:

(-999999.0, 999999.0)

Objective coefficient:



Aromatic Compound degradation

Gene Reaction Rule:

((Gmet_2080 and Gmet_2081 and Gmet_2083 and Gmet_2084 and Gmet_2085 and Gmet_2086 and Gmet_2087) and (Gmet_2596 and Gmet_2597 and Gmet_2598 and Gmet_2599 and Gmet_2600 and Gmet_2601)) or ((Gmet_2080 and Gmet_2081 and Gmet_2083 and Gmet_2084 and Gmet_2085 and Gmet_2086 and Gmet_2087) and (Gmet_0369 and Gmet_0371 and Gmet_0372 and Gmet_0373 and Gmet_0374 and Gmet_0375)) or ((Gmet_1802 and Gmet_1803 and Gmet_2080 and Gmet_2081 and Gmet_2083 and Gmet_2084 and Gmet_2085) and (Gmet_2596 and Gmet_2597 and Gmet_2598 and Gmet_2599 and Gmet_2600 and Gmet_2601)) or ((Gmet_1802 and Gmet_1803 and Gmet_2080 and Gmet_2081 and Gmet_2083 and Gmet_2084 and Gmet_2085) and (Gmet_0369 and Gmet_0371 and Gmet_0372 and Gmet_0373 and Gmet_0374 and Gmet_0375))


Gmet_2084 (bamE)
Gmet_0375 (ehrA-2)
Gmet_2085 (bamD)
Gmet_0373 (ehrC-2)
Gmet_0371 (ehrL-2)
Gmet_2080 (bamH)
Gmet_2083 (bamF)
Gmet_0369 (ehrS-2)
Gmet_1802 (bamB-2)
Gmet_2597 (ehrL-1)
Gmet_2086 (bamC-1)
Gmet_0374 (ehrB-2)
Gmet_2601 (ehrA-1)
Gmet_2599 (ehrC-1)
Gmet_0372 (ehrD-2)
Gmet_2081 (bamG)
Gmet_2596 (ehrS-1)
Gmet_2600 (ehrB-1)
Gmet_1803 (bamC-2)
Gmet_2598 (ehrD-1)
Gmet_2087 (bamB-1)

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BCR6pp in other models